Diary entery( its true)

by nd when its jus too much   Aug 16, 2007

Is'nt it so funny how u want sumthing for so long u think n dream of what you belive its gonna be,But when u finally get it its nothing like you thought it would ...its basically either the same or the complet opposite! It's amazing n it sucks that ur mind can do this to you...! I wonder why i guess its just that after you figure out its there you just give up cause your happy n you think it won't go away...that now you have the upperhand in it! but really ur wrong as can be...that one bit of joy and happiness can vanish in an instint n wont ever ever come back!!! I just guess im late on relizing this cause if i knew this before i would of never let it escalayed to this point...of mii being totaly confused, and hurt! I have been bi-polar toward you and others...not caring who i hurt just as long as i got what i wanted!

I guess Nobody will ever completly know me or what i want, you may think you do evan the ones that im closet to dont even know but each of you do know a part of shall i say a different part of the puzzel called my life!


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