What Is Love

by Alexandrhea   Aug 22, 2007

It's the skip in my walk,
The bounce in my hair.
My path on the sidewalk,
The reason I cared.
The smile on my face,
The reason my heart raced.
The laugh in my speech,
But was beyond my arm's reach.
I thought I had it,
But I thought wrong.
It belongs to some others,
Yet my feelings stay strong.
I struggle to find,
The words I can't say.
But nothing comes out,
To my dismay.
To this very day,
And so on so forth.
My feelings will stay,
And forever remain.
I believe it will happen,
That maybe someday.
I will meet with love again,
And find that way.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Helen

    :) a very sweet poem :)
    it has a good beat/rythem to it !!


  • 16 years ago

    by fatima

    GOOD POEM. It explained the your feelings very well x x xtc
    ps. please do read and commnt on some my poems thank you.

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