I ......

by PJ   Sep 3, 2007

U said u'd always be here
U promised that to me
U said no matter what happens
I can always turn to u

U said that I love u
But friends is all we can ever be
Ur married with a kid this I know
But u promised this all to me

So how come when I seen u every day
I would turn around and u'd be there
But now that we're on seperate parts of town
I feel as though I'm barred from speaking to u

I was ur student then and u, my teacher
But now it's different all together
I'd see u in class or around the school somewhere
Now I've not seen u in almost a year

When it seemed the world was against me
Somehow I'd be able to come to u
But now I don't have anyone
Without speaking to u, Im so lonely

Before I'd know where u'd be
How I could get in touch with u
But now it's like I dont know where u r
I dont have ur number, or ur address

I cant even write u a letter
I know I loved u but I know we can be still be friends
I'm glad for that, I want nothing more
I'm glad after everything I can still talk to u

If u were to ring me on the telephone
I dont know what Id say
Id be so shocked and surprised
That something actually has gone my way

I love u and I know together we cant be
Us being friends is something great
But how can we be and how can u promise all that
Since we no longer are in contact

U'll always be a fond memory of mine
I hope to see u again soon
We have many things to catch up on
Hey, let's take a walk and lay on the grass
Though we're only friends, we could still watch the moon


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  • 16 years ago

    by Anthony

    Nice..i lik it..great story. way to make it meaningful