Where is honesty?

by Mack Bopape   Sep 20, 2007

You say you love someone but yet you cheat on them
Do you know how painful it is to see or realise
That your lover is in love with someone else

Surely if you love someone
You wouldn't cheat on them
You wouldn't cheat on them because
You love and care about them
And if you love someone you would
Do anything to make them happy

Let's just be honest
Let's just be honest and mean what we say
When we say we love our lovers

Stay focused and save your lives
Because if a person is hurt by dishonesty
In a relationship, they can kill someone
And we see that in our everyday lives
And let's protect ourselves against another killer,
AIDS himself

Stop gold digging and cheating
Because you'll never know when
The gold will dig you or when
The cheating will cheat you
And be buried, buried six feet under
And you will never come back
Because you have been dishonest


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cindy


  • 16 years ago

    by xXSomeoneLoveMeXx

    This is a great poem! i love this a lot and i can relate to this right now! great job