
by Devon lansdown   Oct 3, 2007

I imagine myself
entwined in your arms
latched to your lips
engulfed in your touch
you, loving me
making me your world
your my everything
in my dreams we walk for miles
along the windy shoreline
we hug,we walk
play fight in the sand
you Kiss my head
it has no meaning other than to make me happy
you hold me close and tell me you love me
you hold my hands
and play with my fingers between your own
imagining us as one forever
u can;t lose me
you love me
as i do you
then i wake up, your not mine
our hands were never one
our bodies had never touched
and i was never yours

dreams make you forget reality... show pictures of your most wanted desire or maybe just more depressed that they ain't the reality you desire..


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  • 16 years ago

    by 4eversum1

    Perfect 5. loved it