
by ari   Oct 11, 2007

His eyes burn like fire in the night,
pinning her to the floor,
a butterfly who cannot take flight.
he wants her wings,
her fragile escape route, it's hers no more,
a rare beauty to which he now clings.
Her disappearing act has disintegrated,
her chance at liberty is only ashes,
her life fated.
And now the heat from his eyes comes in flashes,
she cannot remain his,
or her heart will surely break,
crushed in his tyrannic fist.
This is her first heartache,
but it doesn't hurt as much as she thought it would.
Running away from commitment,
she never experienced love, never knew she could.
She never thought it would be so easy to relent.
His gaze, scorching her skin,
she melts; submission.
It would be so easy to give in to sin,
free her from her thirst for stability,
He murdered her spirit with a glance.
She's got a sunset in her veins,
but he won't let her take a chance
at turning it into a sunrise.
He doesn't see she needs a new beginning,
but she won't find it in the song she's been singing.
She's crying along to songs about lips and love,
hoping he'll set her free.
But these are tunes of romance she'll never be a part of.
He's got her wings locked away,
and without a fee,
she'll never see the light of day.


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  • 16 years ago

    by fatima

    Very nice poem, just exactly how if its feels like in love!


    please do read some f my poems and leave your comments/votes thank you xxxtc