Where's my family?

by Remie   Nov 12, 2007

Life is full of depression,
From where did I obtain this obsession?

Everywhere I go I see pain,
Those people just wishing they could die, once again.

Bad things happen,
People change,
Life just seems to re-arrange,
People complain,
Become insane.

I'm deprived you see,
All I ever had was me,
I miss the father I could have had,
Some one to sit on,
Some one to call dad!

I miss the mother I'll never get,
For it is she, it seems, I wish I had never met.

Where is my brother?
Deep under ground,
Never got to cry,
Never had the chance to sigh,
Never saw the light of day,
Never had his first birthday!

My mother,
My father,
My dead little brother,
Wish I'd had the chance to see what life is like with a family.

But here I sit,
Broken hearted,
Writing this,
About the dearly departed!

Do they miss me?
Do they care?
Did they ever know I was there?
No one will know,
No one will care,
"just get over It" they say with a glare.

Life's not easy,
Life's not fair,
Especially when there's no one there,
Nobody to hold me tight,
Nobody to kiss me good night!

I want my mommy,
My daddy too,
And my little brother who died in the arms of another,
I miss you all,
I love you true,
Even daddy,
Though I didn't know you!

In time I'll find you,
I'll make it true,
Then maybe you'll love me too.

no... i didn't copy this from the other remie, i am the other remie, couldn't get ahold of my password so i got a new one, those poems were written 3 years ago, i've changed now... dont judge me based on past work... ILY...<3<3<3


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