
by Daisy Wells   Nov 26, 2007

Getting involved with you was nothing short of a big mistake
I gave every piece of my heart to you but all you did was take
Now looking back I realize how foolish and naive I was back then
So for the first time I'm saying no I won't make that mistake again

When you came to me and promised you wouldn't hurt me anymore
It's took me a while to understand what this change of heart was for
You couldn't stand that I had found someone else to love and be with me
Now you claim you love me but back then you claimed you couldn't see

I don't want you to want me because your jealous and feel sad
I want you to want me because you love me and I was the best you ever had
But you could never do that and now it's to late for it to ever work out
Because as soon as You've got me you'll throw it away not caring how I felt

So just to let you know that I've finally moved on from someone as selfish as you
Just respect the fact that I'm with someone that doesn't hurt me like you do
Move on and find someone that can make you happy and feel content
Because until you can prove your love to me I will never relent.


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