Honest Confessions (I'll love you for always)

by Andrea   Dec 29, 2007

I am sorry because I know it is so long, but how exactly can you some up the love of your life in fewer words. PLEASE READ IT ALL I PROMISE IT IS WORTH IT!!

You entered my life subtly
Like a gentle summer's rain
We started with casual conversations
Yet our laughter was endless
Slowly we began to travel on what I never knew would become a very long journey
At first we took just a small leap forward and went from strangers to friends
Something that people do everyday and really is not all that special
But then our friendship continued to grow
You told me about all the things you liked and hated.
You began to confide in me with situations you were faced with
We even began to share secrets
We talked, we laughed, and we listened until soon
I became more dependent on hearing your voice and seeing your smile
I made decisions based on what I though not only myself but you as well would approve of
Until I finally began to realize that much of my life was centered around the times we spent together

We continued even further on the journey
You led me down this path of friendship
Holding my hand through every bump and sharp turn
You began showing me trust and putting your own trust in me
I believe you actually taught me the true meaning of trust
When things got dark you became the light that continued to lead our way down this path
Hand in hand we continued on together through every bump and stumble

It was never your fault when I would stumble yet you would always help me up
And you too trusted me enough to confide in with problems and frustrations
Asking for help in situations you were unsure of
Showing me that you had faith in my knowledge and decisions

Then as our journey continued I took a fall
I did not fall backwards or to the side but I fell straight forward to a place on the path that you were not at quite yet and had never intended going to
I had to get through this part of the path on my own and did not have your strong hand to hold or light to shine on in the darkness
It was a time of uncertainty and clarity

Eventually you caught up to me and still put all of your trust and love into my ever-changing life
You have no idea how much that affected my life and how much I truly appreciated it
I have never regretted any of the steps we have taken down this path together or even the fall that I took alone
All of this journey made me realize how much I did not know and how empty my life really was before you came in so softly like that summer rain
Before our journey I thought I knew what love and trust and caring really were and I did not like any of them
I thought they were all meant to end up hurting you eventually
But when I met you and became so close you showed me everything that true love, trust, and caring was
you showed me their power and greatness
Everything you brought into my life cannot even be priced
It is far too high of a value
Everything that our relationship is and means to me could not even possibly be done justice by my writing on paper
It is far too great

Even all of are many differences are wonderful. They have made this journey even better
Our similarities and differences have seemed to of blended together to create one breathtaking picture
We have learned so much from one another and my values in life have changed
I value how we could be so content with nothing and eventually learned how to make nothing into everything
I value that we can talk about anything at any time
Every time that I listen to you I learn something new about you or me or even life in general
I am not completely blinded by this love I have for you though and I have also learned that you like anyone including myself are not perfect
You tend to hold grudges and can easily be angered
Sometimes you are too intolerant when you should tolerate
And you allow the stresses of life to mold your day
I see your imperfections as well as your many perfections
And I have found that I love you not in-spite of your imperfections
but as much because of them as anything else

your life has touched mine in a way I cannot ever fully explain
you have changed my whole life in ways you will probably never even know
that soft summer rain that you brought into my life has turned into a constant shower within me
one that I have grown to love and appreciate and need more than anything

I love the passion that is instilled within you and how you are so filled with openness and understanding
It is easy for me to see how much love you have for life even in times when life is less than loveable
And that love is somehow always showing through your face or voice
You bring a sense of ease and comfort to all situations and still you know how to make things exciting and well worth the time or effort spent
I love the creativity you use to expose your true self and thoughts to the world

as shallow as it sounds I have also fallen in love with your outer beauty
the way your dark brown eyes can look so warm and comforting
the way your smile begins by first slightly going down before turning into a large upward grin
the way your earlobes hang lower than my own
how your nostrils flare out a bit when you concentrate real hard
I love the gentle curves of your cheeks
and I love the softness of your hands
your beauty just takes my breath away

I cant imagine and never even want to think about how my life would be today if we had never met
I also never want to think about what my life will be like if we ever completely fall apart
Before I knew you love was just a myth to me that was all to often referenced to in song lyrics when writing about pain and hurt
And even if song lyrics were talking about true love then I told myself I never wanted to feel it
Well thank goodness for the day I met you
I am so grateful that being with you has let me feel love and how it really feels
I know it has not been perfect and filled with complete laughter and smiles
But every hurt and pain we felt was completely worth it and completely overshadowed by the amazing euphoric feeling of all the pleasure our love has brought me

Sometimes I wish you knew me before we met as well as you know me today
So you could see how much of a difference you have made in my life
You have changed me in so many ways both big and small that will stay with me forever
This journey has turned me into a person that I never saw myself being
The love, trust, care, and just plain need that I have for you is unlike anything I have ever felt
I never thought that I could have those feelings so harshly true and honest for another person
Yet now that we have come so far on this journey I know that they are completely necessary and deserving for you
I feel that I will never be able to have the same kind of love for another person that I have for you and I know that the bond we have built between one another will endure forever even in the most unlikely of forms just like the soft summer rain that constantly showers my mind now that you have come into my life


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