You and me

by letmedie2night   Jan 10, 2008

I wish you knew
that i love you
i want to tell you
but i keep my distance
cause if i say
my life will be over
in an instance
i care for you so much
i wish we could touch
i want to share my heart
don't want us to be apart
want us to be together
forever and ever
but sad to say
i would never tell you
i could say them in many ways
i want to say that when i see
your smile it brightens my days
just think about
whats meant to be
and whats meant to be
is you and me


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  • 16 years ago

    by AmY

    Yeah dont wait.........even though im in the situation and i cant tell him either :((((

  • 16 years ago


    I waited for years before i had enough courage to tell her that i loved her (scared of rejection) now i can only see her for short spells. if only i had told her then. Dont wait

  • 16 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    Beautiful indeed, short yet sweet...

    you have to tell him before its too late, what reasons could be to not tell him??