The Darkness Within

by xoxoMandieSxoxo   Jan 13, 2008

I'm in a plcae where I don't belong,
and i don't know where i am going...
because it is so dark,
there is something scary out here...
darker then the night itself,
scarier then anything you could possibly imagine... someone who has hurt you so badly,
enough to make you think the darkest thoughts that usually don't come to at all...
the thoughts you keep in the back of your mind.
You don't even know they are there...
they creep up on you like little spiders waiting to take a bite but when you least expect it.
But you are to scared to remove it because you are afraid if you live the thing out here in the dark with you...


it will get you.

But you make the choice to face this, this what ever it is.
the spiders disappear but the thoughts are not so vague anymore they are clearer then ever.
these thoughts you notice they are actually memories...
of all the bad things or bad events that have passed by you and happened to you...
this thing chasing you is the cause of all of it.

Because you thought you could trust it.

Then you relized one day it ruined you more then making you what you could of become...which would of been a better persopn sooner then later.

It's so dark.
You hear it coming closer.
So close
you could feel it
breathing down your neck.

You start to run so fast you almost fall but then you see someting shine or twinkle if so...
And Notice it's a mirror.
the thing is passes you and runs into the mirror.
But literally into the mirror. the mirror does not shatter or move.

You have trapped it finally and you can do good for your self now.
Now walk away everything is good now. but you want to see what or who it is you know...the erge to know what it is that caused you so much pain.

walk up to the mirror...


you look just see your reflection.

............*deep breathe in shock*.............

you notice that your reflection has a smile of it's own and a mind of it's own and a look of it's own...
it is you,
but it is not...

you now know yu were in the darkness all this time all alone you are the darkness with your own mind that caused yourself pain.

(let me know what you think more will come into sequals of this. they will depending how this one goes.)


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