Comments : Oh poor stupid boy

  • 16 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Okay first of all I though the topic of this poem was really common. The rhymes felt really forced. The flow was awkward, but it was a pretty decent poem. There were a lot of mistakes though.

    Oh poor stupid boy,
    Do you know what have you lost?
    [^^It should be "Do you know what you have lost?]
    You tried to reach that glow,
    You failed in it, but also lost the heart that loved you most.
    By playing roles and acting so
    [^^I felt that you just put so at the end to make it rhyme. It doesn't make much sense]
    You showed me you are so fake
    [^^I think you should have used a better descriptive word for "so".]
    Person who I used to think you were
    [^^That line was really awkward]
    Was only my deception, but now is perfect time for me to wake.
    [^^Put "the before perfect]
    What are you trying to prove by wearing mask?
    [^^Maybe you could us another word for mask, facade perhaps?]
    Oh if you were sincere everything would have happened other way.
    [^^"Other" should be "another".]
    You have become the one we joke about, ha, yes you did your best,
    By lying, and envying, and forgetting friends, and actually I have no more words to say.

    Maybe I shouldn't paint you only in black,
    [^^That was my favorite line in the whole poem. If you could make the rest of your poem like that it would be amazing.]
    And you are kinda funny and, like, full of joy,
    [^^You should leave out the "like".]
    But I have to doubt isn't this also fake,
    [^^I think it would sound better as "But I have to doubt this is also fake".]
    Oh damn insincere boy?

  • 16 years ago

    by Lemma

    Really like this poem, favourite line by far is;

    "Maybe I shouldn't paint you only in black,"

    Good write but very sad,

    Em xXx

  • 16 years ago

    by Michelle18

    I agree with cayce....alot of mistakes... and flow was completely off.. i liked the topic and you got your point across but i think you could have written it a little better...4/5