LeTiinG Go~

by mUnChKinS   Jan 31, 2008

To let go iisnt to forget,
not thiink about or iignore.
iit doesnt leave feeliings of anger, jealousy, or regret. Lettiing go iisnt wiinniing iit
iisnt losiing.
iits not about priide
iits not obsessiing or dwelliing on the past.
iits not giiviing iin or giiviing up.
lettiing go iisnt about loss,
and iits not defeat.
to let go iis to cheriish memoriies,
but to overcome them and move on.
Lettiing go iis acceptiing.
Lettiing go iis haviing the courage
to [ accept change ]
the strength to keep moviing.
Lettiing go iis growing up...


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