Poems by Michelle

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  • Sweet little things you do
    A haiuh cut just for me...

  • Why am I thinking so much
    About the day that you'll leave me...

  • I woke naked today from my slumber
    And you were lying next to me...

  • Only four more days 'til Friday
    When we're living out our dreams...

  • Less than a week away now
    I can almost feel your touch...

  • Dear Sweetheart,
    Can you believe it's past four months...

  • Stronger than the noontime rays of the sun
    Wider than the horizon I can't fully see...

  • I want to take this special day
    To thank you for being so good to me...

  • Caring, sensitive man
    Reeling in his love...

  • How could mere syllables contain
    The rythmns beating within my heart...

  • I feel the guilt sometimes
    That my life is gloriously good...

  • The moonlight shining through my window
    Is casting phantom shadows on the wall...