Poems by silhouette fairy

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  • Running down this wild track
    twisting, turning, up and down...

  • A blanket of snow
    covers the ground...

  • Stay (1)

    If only, if only
    saying something so simple...

  • A friendship is the hardest thing to write about
    it can be described in so many different ways...

  • Magic (1)

    The angels fly
    the mermaids swim...

  • I will (1)

    Why does the water run so deep?
    it puts out the fires of life...

  • Shard of glass lay across the floor
    i sweep some up but there is still more...

  • You said you loved me
    you're my killer...

  • The crimson color flows
    your skin so light it glows...

  • A scream rang out
    who gave such a shout...

  • Die (1)

    Die, just die
    leave me alone...

  • Revenge, revenge
    why do you call...