Poems by edsel

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  • It came unannounced
    the keystrokes betray...

  • Day1:
    walking on the street head down...

  • I cannot create vultures that eat
    flowers in a blood love Monday...

  • Love is like a fountain...
    or a spring...

  • The moon red and the night green
    someone said that vultures sing...

  • My love how long have you been crushing me...
    how long have you been tearing me apart, like i...

  • I try to
    slaughter me...

  • Brilliant I say, but on second thoughts, nay
    I was hoping to keep my skeletons lock in my...

  • She, the drum
    that keeps my heart beating...

  • What is inside sadness?
    hopelessness, despair...

  • Dear child,
    I wrote you before you were written...

  • Who i am is what i write
    ink of black on paper white...