Poems by Anarchy-In-The-UK

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  • What about the people that just stand and stare?
    They don't have anymore...

  • My soul is dark
    Your's light...

  • Alone in my room, Crying on my own
    I'm caught up in depression...

  • I walk the world of shadows
    Of sorrow and of pain...

  • Remember the words that remains unspoken

  • The process itself is filled with pain,
    much frustration and terrible doubt...

  • Sell Yourself in a way that nobody else could...
    Sell Yourself so the evil can live...

  • I'm lying on my bed, crying tears of sorrow,
    outside, the moon is covered by dark clouds...

  • I'm :

  • But every time I look at you,
    I begin to cry...

  • All the world loves things of beauty and intrigue
    These 2 things I've never had one...

  • Was my destiny decided,
    from the moment that time began...