Poems by Luciee

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  • What happened to you?
    Your life is in ruins, how...

  • Fake (2)

    I can't tell you face to face
    Because i know how fall i will go...

  • Black (1)

    She had to give up the one she loved and who loved...
    Just to keep her head above the water...

  • Replay (1)

    Replaying like an old movie
    Apon the stories in her mind...

  • Now i look back and everything is clear
    To know that the scary secrets unfolded this year...

  • Trust is so confusing and hard to regain
    I broke that trust just the other day...

  • Just accept the truth
    Accept my fate...

  • After i leave i can still feel your warmth
    I can feel your lips on mine...

  • Life is like a battle,
    And she became my Armour...

  • I punish myself to relieve the pain,
    but the tears that i shed, i do not gain...

  • When you said you had to leave,
    Told me how you would go and wouldn't return...

  • When you see my eyes sparkle,
    It is just hidden tears...