Poems by The Dark Poet

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  • So we were starting something and you decieved me
    Said there was a possibility, but you were using...

  • A girl as sweet as you is hard to find
    Thats the one thought thats running through my...

  • Time (2)

    Time takes away the heartache and helps to heal...

  • On this Battle field of Love
    I bare my heart to you...

  • Life is no walk in the park
    life is never easy, its...

  • Do you think I'm lonely,
    Or just full of greed...

  • You are My Cure and I'm Your Disease
    I Was killing you while you were saving me...

  • I've gave up a piece my heart I put you in it's...
    You were the air I breathe every breath I would...

  • I watched you walk out of my life knowing it was a...
    Try as i might i couldn't pass even though i did...

  • Ive been having problems I've shed some tears
    The feel of being loved has never been there...

  • The midnight sun gazes upon our bodies
    Intertwined in the dance of love...

  • I stood right at the edge you alone could stop my...
    You're the only person on this earth that could...