Poems by Crys908

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  • It´s no longer an option.
    I can´t lose...

  • I´m walking down this...
    in this large park...

  • I´m sick of lying
    in the road letting...

  • Stuck in the shadows
    wanting to hide away...

  • It is the whit star in
    the night that shines so brightly...

  • Lost in the way of hate
    wondering what is it that I did wrong...

  • No one walks in life
    without having steppind...

  • Once upon a time
    there existed only me...

  • I´m sick of lying
    in the road letting...

  • You ask me if I think of you
    when you are not here...

  • There could almost be
    a moment when...

  • Though life can hit me,
    though not all sunsets...