Poems by Christina

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  • A dream of love is the only thing worth dreaming...
    A dream of love is the only thing worth dreaming...

  • Tear drops wasted on such a pretty face,
    in which no guys mind can erase...

  • A little smile that hides my tears. Scream out my...

  • I once asked you if you loved me, and you said no...
    So to begin this said story I left him behind...

  • This smile on my face is not true,
    because I'm only smiling for you...

  • The sweetest touch, the softest kiss,
    the thought of always being in bliss...

  • This man I had fallen for has broken my heart...
    Tears fall silently down my cheek imagining the...

  • Frustration, anger, and sadness I'm filled with...

  • Even though you left me,
    I never yelled...

  • It’s hard to express what you mean to...
    Because to begin would mean there would be an end...

  • Behind closed doors lie open eyes.
    Behind truths there are more lies...

  • We begin our lives together, having our arguments...