Poems by Sylent1

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  • Thinking of you is insane.
    Thoughts of blended hearts confuse me...

  • Torn (1)

    I watched you pack your suitcase today.
    I could barely breathe as I watched...

  • You saved my life today.
    The way you saved it I have to say...

  • Do not look at me that way my love.
    Your eyes may just see what I harbor in secret...

  • (...with violent fervor my love will find you.
    In ways unexpected, my love will come...

  • X X (1)

    I dreamt of zombies today.
    They do not give or receive love...

  • Blurred lines shade the places between us.
    Constructed from the places we've been...

  • Step through the threshold and move along.
    Our lives will change after today...

  • Cycled events and mundane tasks design our lives.
    Contemplation filled heads but there is no time to...

  • I realized something for the first time today.
    I began to understand something anew...

  • You, my lover, are my first love.
    You are eternally my last desire...

  • The wind sooths the itching in my brain.
    Calming the vexes of this life that consume me...