Poems by LADY B

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  • I can't eat
    I can't sleep...

    If I only knew...

  • I hear temptation calling me
    far away from the trenches of my soul...

  • Deceiving, convincing
    believing, bleeding...

  • A mirror, a disguise from what appears to be the...
    an abyss of gray binding light occupied by lies...

  • Is this really what my heart desires?
    or am i just blinded by your sensitivity...

  • Is like a shattered piece of glass
    scattered around...

  • Is what I often say
    no more of these tears...

  • I once stood there embraced by the arms of the sea
    it’s gentle waves caressed me with the...

  • I'm dying, dying slowly inside of you
    i'm drowning in this ocean of memories...

  • I thought i willed all my feelings away
    i thought melancholy had suffocated my heart away...

  • I thank you Lord for everything you have done for...
    Oh, how much I appreciate thee...