Quotes by lost in lovee

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  • *dere wasn't anythinq
    wonderfully amazinq bout him,
    but dere was somethinq
    she juhsz couldn't resist.

    [not minesz]

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • *ii can't escape dha thouqht of youh.
    eben in my dreamsz youh are dere.
    itsz not fair how youh're qone,
    and how youh're movinq on so fast,
    while ii am still livinq in the past.

    [not minesz]

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • *don't eber qive up if youh still want ta try,
    don't eber wipe your tearsz if youh still want ta cry.
    don't eber settle for an answer if youh still want ta know.
    don't eber say youh don't love him if youh can't let him qo.

    [not minesz]

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • *how can ii forqet youh wen your alwaysz on my mind?
    how can ii not want youh wen your all ii want inside?
    how can ii let youh qo wen ii can't see us apart?
    how can ii not love youh wen youh control my heart?

    [not minesz]

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • *and if it all falls apart,
    ii will know deep in my heart,
    dha onlyyy dream that mattered had come true.
    in dis life, ii was loved by youhh.

    [not minesz]

    15 years ago
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