Poems by neo

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  • If your fortunate enough to have a peaceful time...
    Never take it for granted. Relish it, learn from...

  • I think it's safe to let my guard down
    I am comfortable with my sleeves up...

  • Kiss (3)

    A kiss...

  • With my age comes the knowledge that...to avoid...

  • In the middle of the house is the "forbidden...
    a,k.a. the kitchen...

  • Jealousy and hate consumes your soul
    Put a foot wrong and lose your control...

  • Lies (1)

    So you gotta lie and lie and lie some more. Live...

  • This house is in a state of unrest
    I'm trying so hard to do my best...

  • Look beyond
    The big house on the corner that I call home...

  • That's what I call the ones like you
    That's sick. So disgusting. How can she? Why would...

  • Lost (2)

    Lost my love
    Lost my mind...

  • This is the norm for me. wake before the sun...