Quotes by Jack Nightengale

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  • Does having an audience for your sins make you feel like you're special? Does it make you proud?

    13 years ago
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  • Prevail

    Cry for those that do and laugh with the ones who don't. For in the end you know that the ones that you laugh will never acheive anything, and those that you cry for will one day come out on top and Prevail against all that stand in their way!

    15 years ago
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  • I am a wondering soul, that helps others from the shadows, never to be seen or remembered.

    12 years ago
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  • I've been searching for something for so long and just when I thought I found what I'd been searching for, I find out that there was nothing there... Forever isn't as long as I thought it was...

    11 years ago
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  • Sometimes I feel like crying because
    The people on tv are not like the way we are
    Sometime I stay up all night
    Wishing to god that I would just fall and die
    Sometimes its not enough time
    know that I have loved you since the beginning

    12 years ago
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  • I guess my last words are simple...
    I love you and even when these eyes close for good, I will still love you

    12 years ago
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  • Every breath you take is my heart beat.
    When you stop breathing my heart stops beating.
    So your last breathe is my last heart beat

    12 years ago
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  • One more night, one last drink, one bullet, no more thinking. To end this will be bad for me but, so long as you're happy.. Goodnight

    12 years ago
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  • Look what I did for you!
    Look at how deep I slipped, and slid for you!
    Does this make you happy now? Are you smiling?
    I hope so because, i'll never see it, i'll never know. I'm fading into darkness. The curtains are closing, this is the end of my show

    12 years ago
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  • They say the boy that cried wolf was eaten by the wolves but in truth, he became the leader of the wolves and slaughtered the village and burned it to the ground for not listening paying attention when he was calling himself a wolf

    12 years ago
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