Jack Nightengale

About Jack Nightengale

Feel free to browse my works and enjoy reading. However, I must warn you.. you are entering into a dark cold world that is my imagination. Enter if you dare.

Published Author under the name Jack Nightengale as of May 7 2014.

Poetry of an unleashed imagination.

Searching for something that doesn't exist.........

Profile of Jack Nightengale

  • Age : 34
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, Texas
  • Joined : Feb 3, 2007
  • Last Visit : 1 week ago
  • Poems : 225
  • Comments : 358
  • Quotes : 211
  • Posts : 995
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Jack Nightengale

  • I climb the mountain with no safety line,
    Hanging by fingernails out of my mind...

  • I'm done.
    Two words...

  • How many lights have disappeared now?
    An endless world of darkness and no light...

  • The lone Wolf reaches the icy peak,
    Howling in the night air for the Moon he seeks...

  • For you (1) 2

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue...

Latest Quotes By Jack Nightengale

  • I never want to hear those three words again

    1 month ago
    0 0
  • A poet is not just a writer.
    A poet is a creator of worlds, ones which are created from the powers of imagination through fingertips. A master craftsman/woman of untold worlds.

    7 years ago
    0 0
  • New books coming soon. Delta 6: Blood Shadow out now. Book of Dread coming out by Halloween this year.

    8 years ago
    0 0

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