Poems by Spam

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  • Eyes so deep and meaninful
    Mysterious in every way...

  • The purest summer day cannot compete with our love
    An Angel sends warm blessings from heaven above...

  • Bubble in my belly
    It wants to go POP...

  • You

    Tears streaming down my cheeks
    Filled with overwhelming emotion...

  • Once upon a time I used to wish for you
    Once upon a time I truely thought it would come...

  • Fear
    What do you fear...

  • Everything I touch goes rotten
    Rotten like my heart...

  • There is no doubt that he was there
    I saw him, I really did...

  • Life is full of difficult experiences
    But none so difficult as losing a loved one...

  • The black ink on my paper represents the dark...
    Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest...

  • The fun we had was not fun at all
    It was what we had...