Poems by Rahlan Kodai Ensk

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  • Perfection is of the angels,
    And an angel, I am called...

  • I feel my heart beat, when your eyes find me.
    I feel my knees beg to buckle, to fall into your...

  • In the rain, I feel you.
    With my heartbeat, I hear you...

  • A day must go go by, before my time with you draws...
    Watching the clock, counting the hours...

  • I sit here, lights in my eyes.
    Day has barely begun...

  • As I lay me down to sleep,
    I whisper within my heart...

  • Always can you accept my words,
    My apology...

  • A wise man would have understood,
    a strong man would have withstood...

  • Lost to the world,
    Seeing nothing, hearing nothing...

  • I use to run, with the wind at my back, pushing me...
    I ran, to escape. To get away...

  • The night falls, the morning rises.
    Time stampedes by, unnoticed because of my empty...

  • I wanted to say how much I wanted you, but...
    I wanted to say I loved you as much as you said...