Poems by HiddenPoet

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  • Why

    There's too much to question
    and answers too few...

  • Live it; experience it for yourself
    Inspire, hope, and wish to improve it...

  • We're worlds apart
    You and I...

  • Salt or Pepper
    Black or White...

  • In the war with worldly things
    No one seems to win...

  • Darkness bears a secret
    A shadow without a name...

  • Winter (1)

    Snowball fights
    Longer nights...

  • I am a Heaven yo-yo,
    a body on a spirit string...

  • Why do we harm people that are innocent and who we...
    Why do we steal and rob others when we don't want...

  • Remember the Holocaust and their ideas of false...
    Remember the Holocaust and the fear created...

  • What is a world of black and white,
    but only deprived of color...

  • Rumors (4)

    When a fact is twisted,
    the result is a lie...