Poems by anett

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  • Your petals so soft and smooth
    Your smell so intense yet calming...

  • I close my eyes to picture paradise
    A paradise never seen or heard of...

  • As we move on, you are in my heart
    I knew you would always be, right from the start...

  • What a beautiful place
    Its so peaceful, no sound, there isnt a trace...

  • My love, I wish you the best
    I see that life is one big test...

  • I've been dreaming of you,
    Because my mind is full of us two...

  • Your mistake, this here isnt fake
    I gave you the perfect life, cant you see...

  • I want to thank you.
    Thank you for making me a fighter...

  • There are so many waves
    I try to count but lose track...

  • What happened to the old days?
    Now its like Im in a maze...

  • I can't stop thinking of you
    I can't get over the fact that youre gone...

  • I kept my heart in a glass box
    You knew it didn't have any locks...