
by anett   Mar 8, 2008

I close my eyes to picture paradise
A paradise never seen or heard of
An inexistent place of being
A look around and take in the unimaginable scene
Making sure of the surroundings I stand in
My eyes look for the deep sense of reality
Here, there is no war
There is no hate
There is no judgment
Perfection and outer beauty do not exist
I forget that there is such thing as violence, discrimination, and wealth
They become words scrambled in the past with lost meanings
I feel so far away from home as a search the signs of life
But only I breathe this air and walk this ground
Realizing that I am the only one who longs for paradise
But suddenly I hear happy murmurs from afar
The other souls have taken a chance and stepped into the world of paradise
True freedom and peace flow into my body
Lifting me off the ground, making me feel so high
A sense of worth and meaning dawn over me as I float off into the beaming sky
I’ve never felt such a belonging before
No more do I dwell on the past
This moment is what I live for
Worries are left on the ground and crushed by all of these lovely souls
As I begin to open my eyes praying for this world to stay
My feet begin to come down onto the solid ground
Standing in this ugly world
I question life and search for the paradise once again


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