Quotes by enigmatic_prey

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  • It would be better if I let myself warped by the apathy of my own asylum.

    1 year ago
    0 0
  • I always told myself that you could possibly never hurt me, as I thought you would never dare to. However, here you are, proving me all wrong.

    2 years ago
    1 0
  • My thoughts of you claw wildly at my heart, ripping it into shreds. It's killing me not being able to call you mine...and I'm irritated with the truth that I'm way too dumb for dreaming something surreal.

    2 years ago
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  • And then, 'IT' was played...'that SONG' which can make me burst into tears, not because of its melody, but of those 'supposedly HAPPY feelings' it used to carry.

    2 years ago
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  • Of all the people whom I could choose from, you are, with no doubt, whom I could never bear to lose.

    2 years ago
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  • Everything was hypnotizing at first, along with its flaws, until it finally kept one captive within its crevices forever.

    2 years ago
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  • It despairs one to have eyes that couldn't help but scrutinize the ghastly phantoms of life.

    2 years ago
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  • Sometimes, the PAIN you thought was keeping you from the sweet gift of LIFE, is actually the FORCE, trying to pull you away from the very HELL you fear.

    2 years ago
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  • It takes self-will and effort to escape from one's own doldrums.

    2 years ago
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  • There's nothing I despise more than false flattery. It's smothering. So lethal.

    2 years ago
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