Quotes by Poet on the Piano

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  • Silence doesn't define you, your actions do. And when I asked if you could sit by my side in a darkly lit church on a chilly November night, you came. You had no words but tears. You were open for me when I needed to be safe and

    let things go.

    9 years ago
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  • I will not allow myself to sleep on foreign grounds.

    9 years ago
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  • As trivial as it may sound to you, can I just rejoice in the reality that today is not yesterday?

    9 years ago
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  • Close your eyes, rest your wrists. You've exerted too much energy on me. My throat is still awash with these emotions. Please, tuck me away. I will be loyal to you another day. But now? Now, I must recover.

    [And so the piano sleeps...]

    9 years ago
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  • It is ludicrous to believe I am what you said you would rather have me be. I've never done those acts, I wouldn't exchange my morals for that.

    But, I still believe I will end up becoming an invaluable.

    [All in my mind...]

    9 years ago
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  • Coffee with cream and early morning poetry really wake the sleeper inside.

    9 years ago
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  • There is no
    lurking in your speech-
    but I'm devouring all
    there is no
    for how your words
    affect me,
    trap me,

    use me.

    (And I, don't always
    want to find you

    9 years ago
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  • Should I challenge myself, to be braver? Or do I fade away between weeks of summer transitioning to fall?

    9 years ago
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  • Everything we know, is everything we don't know. For we are aware only of what's revealed to us, but there is so much more, evolving within the hemispheres of the Earth.

    9 years ago
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  • What do we know about the character of life? We try to recreate its dignity, without even meeting its true form...

    9 years ago
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