Quotes by Poet on the Piano

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  • "Ready for warfare?", my mind antagonizes.

    "I wasn't created for battlefields", my heart insists.

    7 years ago
    20 0
  • Sometimes you have to work on protecting yourself more than your desire to protect others.

    7 years ago
    14 0
  • Ink is my testimony; I pour it out and watch it bubble then boil until it burns my fingertips.

    3 years ago
    12 0
  • My heart is sick with grenades.

    7 years ago
    10 0
  • And how can we sleep
    when we're inhaling life
    five thousand shades
    too deep?

    10 years ago
    6 0
  • Reading poetry doesn't just take you on journey, it brings your heart to place you never knew existed.

    11 years ago
    5 0
  • It's time to be brave and confident. Because if I don't start now, when will I?

    8 years ago
    2 0
  • To all who have played hide-and-go-seek with words we wish could bubble out of our mouths like fountains that can make us young forever.

    8 years ago
    2 0
  • And you, like so many before you, simply want to exist. To not have your identity questioned, to not have your lived experiences dismissed.

    1 year ago
    2 0
  • I'm trying to do what's right. I'm trying to stay away. But my heart's too wild for those kind of intentions...

    9 years ago
    1 0