Poems by Trapper

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  • Looking at what has happend
    wondering where I would be without you...

  • Everything that I do is not good enough
    everything I accomplish doesn't matter...

  • First I forgot the color of your eyes
    then I forgot the color of your hair...

  • Talking to you about the things that matter the...
    listening contently to your beautiful voice that I...

  • Wondering, waiting, persisting
    while I sit in my room full of anguish...

  • Who

    Seeing one person up front
    seeing another person all alone...

  • Sulking in my own jealousy
    looking for the right moment...

  • Looking mysteriously into her eyes
    looking into her soul...

  • Sulking in happiness
    trying to reacha norm...

  • Filling up from the inside out
    feeling everything getting smaller...

  • Anger with tolerance
    tolerance with jealousy...

  • Laying, looking in the deep vast darkness of the...
    trying to see a light at the end of my life...