Poems by paola stephanie

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  • BrOken (2)

    Ii regret a lot a lot of thingsz in my life but ii...

  • CRUSH!..why do they call it crush?...well itz how...
    -SECREt CRUSH...

  • Her<3 (1)

    Damn im in love..somethin ii aint wanna do but ii...
    she made me a stronger person whether she believes...

  • Why is it so difficult to talk to yu?..
    the things yu say..the things yu do..is so hard...

  • As we sat on the opposite side of the couch..tearz...

  • Ii thank my mother for everythin she has done for...
    ii also wanna say that my mother is someone ii...

  • How can yu do this to me?...yu hurtin me & yu...
    But thru it all...ii forgive yu...ii forgive for...