Quotes by theory of the loser

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  • Teenagers could dwell on whatever they liked, for as long as they liked. So help anyone who tried to get it out of them before they were ready to spill. I planned to do just that.

    12 years ago
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  • I'm a Teen- When we sulk we do it properly. I didn't call anyone. I ignored my brother. And I owned everyone on Final Fantasy, Halo, Smash Bros, and Thirteen.

    12 years ago
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  • I have been away for so long that I forgot the words that matter. Forgive me my love for I am relearning slowly by touch and by memory of our lasting love. But, my love I am relearning, and time is on our side.

    11 years ago
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  • As dawn approaches, I think of our wedding day. My dress and your suit, your shaking I found so cute, the promises we made, and kept forever and today. As dawn approaches I will always wait for you and only you.

    11 years ago
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  • I don't get him at all. One minute he's really angry with me, the next he's so lovey-dovey that it gives me goose bumps.

    He does everything that completely freaks me out, yet at the same time gives me butterflies.

    I don't get him.

    13 years ago
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  • I swear I'm not a brat. It's just that he really, really gets on my nerves. Like right now..

    "Would you stop being such a bug eyed, noodle legged, oblivious weasel?!"

    It's so bad I ran out of good insults....

    13 years ago
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  • You've been different. I mean you're always that grumpy, pessimistic, don't speak much at all person. But lately you are a bit spacey and almost shy.

    You kissed me today, my questions seized. You loved me, that's why you were like that. <3

    13 years ago
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  • "So have you come here because you have no life what so ever and want to bother me. or do you, for once, actually have a valid reason to invade my space?"

    In no way did I mean to sound mean, I just don't want him to know that I love him.

    13 years ago
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  • Then I hear you laugh. The kind of laugh that makes you think, 'why isn't this guy closed in a white, padded room, without doorknobs yet?'

    And everytime I hear it my heart warms and I blush. I love it and I love you.

    13 years ago
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  • He lacked tact and everything that could be generally labeled as ettiquette. Go figure that the most wonderful guy in existance would be like that. That has to be the most annoying thing ever. I put up with it, because he's totally worth it.

    13 years ago
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