Poems by Katie

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  • When i look into your eyes
    My heart fills with questions why...

  • I sit upon this bed alone tonight
    for hours i kept to myself and cried...

  • Touched me in ways I'll never forget
    A childhood I'll forever regret...

  • Sorry (2)

    Never ment to hurt you
    never meant to make you cry...

  • When you look at me
    what is it you see...

  • Standing here today
    I think about you...

  • The sun shines bright
    stars glistening in the night...

  • I think of you
    as i sit here today...

  • R.i.p (1)

    Friendship park
    is where we met...

  • Please (1)

    Daddy please
    why hurt me...

  • The look in your eyes
    I can see the pain...

  • Marine (1)

    Man in uniforn
    a marine at that...