Quotes by Jose Emmanuel

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  • I'd hate to see you go but I also hate seeing you unhappy with me, that's why as much as I want to be with you for the rest of my life I'm finally letting you go from my life.

    15 years ago
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  • It is not about the strength of two people that makes them unbreakable if united, what makes them unbreakable is their love for each other.

    15 years ago
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  • I am willing to sacrifice the last few minutes of my life just to see you for one last time.

    15 years ago
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  • Of all the women in the world why did it have to be you that I fell in love with? Why did my heart chose you even though you don't love me? Why do I keep thinking of you, every minute of the day? Love is such a complicated thing to understand.

    15 years ago
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  • I asked God to send me an angel to protect me. The next day I didn't see my angel I said to myself "God doesn't care about me."A few months later I met someone whom I fell in love with then I realized that she was the angel that God sent me.

    15 years ago
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  • Yesterday I had a crush on you
    Today I fell in love with you
    Tomorrow I may hate you

    That's why what matters most is today when I"m still with you.

    15 years ago
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  • Love is a beautiful feeling
    A feeling within that's so deep
    A feeling I'm willing to keep
    A feeling that I will not weep
    A feeling that I won't fight
    A feeling that gives me light
    A feeling that I see within you.

    15 years ago
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  • "Your my inspiration even though you don't care
    Your my crush even though you don't notice
    Your my love even though you already have someone else."

    15 years ago
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  • " To tell you that I could give you the world is an utter lie, to tell you that I could circle the world for you is impossible, but what truthful thing I can give you is the one thing I cherish most in my heart, and that is my love for you."

    14 years ago
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  • "The day I saw you, I thought that it was just another walk in the park, but when I met you, I realized that you were no ordinary girl, cause at first I didn't know how to love, and when you came you changed my heart forever."

    14 years ago
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