Quotes by Disaster In Waiting

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  • I'm always afraid of being yelled at, being hurt, made fun of. I'm always afraid of feeling the pain that i feel every moment of the day...

    13 years ago
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  • "Take a lesson from the elephant: It lives to a ripe old age without ever worrying about its weight."

    If only we all could live without being teased about our weight..

    13 years ago
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  • It was the same pain every day
    The pain i wished would go away
    The pain i know would never leave
    So I go to that one place were I can stay
    And wish for the pain to just go away

    13 years ago
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  • I'm sorry that I only got in your way.
    I'm sorry I wasted your time.
    I'm sorry I failed you.
    I'm sorry that I couldn't help anymore.

    Part of my first poem "I loved you sister"

    13 years ago
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  • You cant see that the laughs are full of lies.
    You cant see that I really want to die.
    You cant see that I have nothing left to give.
    I'm just a ghost in your mirror.

    Part of my poem "Cant see"

    13 years ago
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  • Mommy, you said I could ask you anything.
    So now I'm asking this,
    Is it ok if I end my life?
    This pain is getting to be too much.

    Part of my poem "Mommy, Im asking."

    13 years ago
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  • You may hear her whisper,
    'This was my invisible death,
    You know you want one to,
    Bury yourself next to me,
    So together we can be.'
    - Part of my poem "Invisible death"

    13 years ago
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  • I love birthdays, not because of the gifts and cake,
    But because it means your even closer to dieing,
    If you havent already decided to end it...

    13 years ago
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  • Mommy, I'm asking you now,
    Why it is no one can see,
    That every time I try,
    They only disappoint me.

    -Part of my poem "Mommy, I'm asking."

    13 years ago
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  • If i were to take you under my wing, Would you end up cutting it off and make me crash?

    13 years ago
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