Quotes by Everlasting

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  • The answers lie in the questions, yet questioning seems to not give me the answer. That's because you don't ask the right question... then which one is it?

    10 years ago
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  • Time will tell... it does, it tells but it doesn't tell the full story.

    10 years ago
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  • The raconteur in me always surfaces back, it always does... bye bye poetry. I'll see you when you knock on my door again.

    10 years ago
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  • Finally, I feel free

    10 years ago
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  • May be, if only, but not really

    it's not me, It's not you

    It's fate - my fate, your fate,

    it's not meant to be our fate.

    10 years ago
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  • Oh goodness gracious, poetry, poetry
    each of your forms have a purpose, must I find that purpose to write each of your forms?

    10 years ago
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  • A filter in the fridge
    water is safe to drink
    In a glass with powder
    Lemonade it is.

    May 18, 2014

    9 years ago
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  • Seek not for knowledge for at one point in time, everything will be known

    9 years ago
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  • Nothing soothes my mood as good than a piano song.

    10 years ago
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  • It looks like you are not coming back, yet I wait for you as if you were here with me sharing poetry with your eyes, but your eyes cannot see the impact of your absence on me.

    10 years ago
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