Poems by Aiko (Dreamsurfer)

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  • Sometimes when I draw line portraits,
    I feel like I have captured a soul inside the art...

  • There is power in the name,
    Of JESUS Christ of Nazareth...

  • When someone sends you a PDF of love,
    You may not be able to read it...

  • Depression is waking up every morning,
    Going to your workplace to chat and laugh...

  • Who wants to win every game in the FIFA World Cup?
    I guess every footballer does...

  • In all the Ugandan boarding schools I studied in,
    I ate more maize meals than rice or tubers...

  • Where will I spend eternity?
    I pray it is not Hell...

  • The Grasshopper is an emblem,
    For the Maracha Clan of Lugbara...

  • They are black and brown on the outside,
    But white on the inside...

  • Scars do not go away,
    But they remind you that wounds can heal...

  • Remedy (2) 1

    The remedy for Heartbreak,
    Is to accept that sometimes you win...

  • I woke up from a dream where I killed myself.
    To prevent it from happening...