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  • most thoughts are not important they contain...
    thoughts of math and science are important...

  • the moment we are conceived we are subject to the...
    lightening could strike the mother...

  • the wind carries so many seeds a man so much sperm
    the seeds make no decision where to make anew tree...

  • we are like fish in a huge coral reef a city
    holes apartments and houses colleges workplaces...

  • some people find truth through religion other's...
    it's human nature to never be completely satisfied...

  • i wouldn't wish this on anyone the loneliness...
    i could have been married a long time ago but i...

  • everything material has a spirit the walls in your...
    in the winter the spirits of the how leaves and...

  • to be genuine in America is not always easy s t
    they might say are you a nazi if you apply to all...

  • pulling (2) 1

    with our eyes and magnetism, we pull reality like...
    actually, help create it singers couldn't sing...

  • when we are born, we are pure love curiosity i...
    in childhood we start learning how to compete and...

  • time (4) 1

    time is an illusion created by man
    between holidays and important events and...

  • music is to the mind what earth is to flowers
    what you might find in April...