Poems by Jen7002

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  • Remember That night you made me cry
    I felt like I was about to die...

  • You are the friend who is there for me
    I return the favor to be there for you...

  • You think its true
    All the rummors you hear...

  • I've never been so scared. Its like the world was...

  • I've never been so shy
    Nor so scared to talk...

  • There's something about you
    Maybe its your eyes...

  • No matter how old you are
    Your life has just begun...

  • I have to tell your mom
    You are the answer to my prayers...

  • It is the mighty cry of
    Every soul that is about to die...

  • At night I look up
    At the stars...

  • What can I say
    About all you do...

  • I could say I love you
    But I would be lying...