Poems by the love of another fills my soul

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  • On our wedding day I will smile more than I've...
    I wil cry more than I've evever cried before...

  • I am living my life 2 the fullest with you
    everything is 4 and about you...

  • Why does everythin gotta be so hard?
    my love life, i cant even be with the one i love...

  • Why everyone betrays me i do not know.it's
    all a big mystery to me.i give everyone such...

  • I'm sorry I don't understand,
    I'm truly trying to...

  • I thought we were best friends.But then you wanted...
    to my ex bf but now twice as better best friend...

  • I love you so much.
    no matter what happens...

  • My life,
    all seems a mystery...

  • As I glance out the window,
    I realize how much I need you...

  • I'm very sorry to do this to you.I need to do...

  • Why is everyone so jealous? why cant anyone jus...

  • The first time i saw you the first time i heard...
    from your sweet voice.I knew i was in love. i knew...