Is it normal???????

  • jessie
    16 years ago

    Is it normal that I can write poetry about the people I have lossed, but i really can't talk out loud about them. Is their some kind of hidden message behind this or does alot of people have this same problem??

  • Gizmo
    16 years ago

    Its completely normal, i do the same thing.

  • JEFF
    16 years ago

    It's always been easier for me to write about it, other than talk about it. Plus when I talk about it I seem to screw up what I'm trying to say. :)

  • jessie
    16 years ago

    Thank you guys for your responses i hope to get more

  • 4 track demo
    16 years ago

    What the hell is "normal"

  • Mello193
    16 years ago

    I am the same way and so are a lot of other people

  • Kate Hicks
    16 years ago

    I think it's because, to say it out loud will make it too real where as by writing poetry about the situation it kind of makes it sureal, almost fantacy. It's a way of half accepting by running parallel to the situation. Does this make any sence?

  • homebound
    16 years ago

    Remembering people you've lost is already a hard subject but you want to express how you feel. Writing poetry helps you release your thoughts and pain about the subject. I do the same thing because i dont want my friends/family to judge me by how i right about tough subjects

    16 years ago

    Its def normal especially if they dump you then you really can write some good stuff o mean really good
    stuff it a chance to tell them what you think of them get it off your chest thing cusss them out and your poem will be fill with such emotion which makes a awesome poem

  • jessie
    16 years ago

    I guess what ever you want to imagine it to be...good question by the way

  • Jessica
    16 years ago

    Yes. You can't always just come out with your feelings. It sometimes feels better to explain it through poetry or music or art in general.

  • kevin Boundy AKA the ghost
    16 years ago

    Who is really deciding who is and isnt normal there is no such thing as normal because everyone is different in their own way normal is a label so just dont label yourself

  • Natalie84
    16 years ago

    What is normal any way? lol
    I think it's part of many people, not just a few. I have the same issue. Especially when it comes to relationship issues. My guy "friend" says he doesn't understand why I can't verbally express my feelings but I have no problem writing letters and / or poems about my feelings for him. For me it's more of a hiding mechanism...I'm afraid to look at him and express it so instead I write it...

    Also, writing about the death of someone for me is easier because talking about it makes me cry...writing about it is my alone time so I'm not having to share that moment with someone else who could possibly show emotion which just makes it harder for me...

    I would also say don't put a label on you or any one else...but know MANY people have the same issue (I say issue for lack of a better work HA)

  • Just Another Dreamer
    16 years ago

    Poetry is a way of expressing yourself that you're not emotionally ready to actually voice out loud. I would rather sing in front of a group of people I have never met than sing in a professional manner to a small group of family and friends. It's all about what makes you comfortable. Thyings like this take time.... Kep expressing yourself through your poetry and eventually it will come.