The Poetry Game

  • David ODonnell
    15 years ago

    Im sure many of you have played this game before, just not with poetry.

    Heres what you have to do, I'll start of a rhyme of 4 lines no more, no less and then people take over and then it carries on, kinda like a mexican wave of poetry. So here goes...

    "It started it out so small and humble,
    The words just came out in a jumble.
    No one thought it could ever last,
    And its just a game so have a blast...."

  • andhereIstand
    15 years ago

    "It started it out so small and humble,
    The words just came out in a jumble.
    No one thought it could ever last,
    And its just a game so have a blast...."

    "But this gtime seem sdifferent to me
    How could I ever let this be....
    every moment I am with you,
    I know that for once, this is true."

  • girl
    15 years ago

    "It started it out so small and humble,
    The words just came out in a jumble.
    No one thought it could ever last,
    And its just a game so have a blast.."

    "But this time seems different to me
    How could I ever let this be....
    Every moment I am with you,
    I know that for once, this is true."

    So for once in my life I'll speak the truth
    It wasn't me that did the deed, but Ruth
    She hurriedly grabbed the tin from my hand
    Without a thought she threw it on the sand

    "This game you call it is to fun,
    But I am afraid I have to run,
    For I have better things to do,
    So I leave the rest to you,"

  • Invited
    15 years ago

    The game that seems fun
    I wish was done
    For I have to go
    Too and fro.

  • wasdiscovered
    15 years ago

    Should you exit I will chase
    your waves rolling down the sands
    to return you to this place
    drop by drop and sand by sand

  • lost in lovee
    15 years ago

    Your hand in my hand,
    We'll run away,
    To a land,
    No one else can play.

  • Fantasy
    15 years ago

    And laugh like nothing is wrong,
    And lay in the grass watching clouds,
    You next to me,
    Is everything I need