sick of my poetry being criticized for not rhyming

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago

    I don't give a damn if it rhymes or not. But that isn't to say that a poem that rhymes is bad. I've read some great poems that rhyme. Rhyming is a tool at a writer's disposal, and if that poet decides not to utilize that tool, then so be it.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    Francs aren't used one. W/e, I like rhyming better than non-rhyming. It's just my preferance. As long as you are asking someone to critique your poems, some people will like your style and some won't. THat's the wasy of life.

  • Matt
    19 years ago

    Rhyme schemes can be like a boa constricta to the thoughts and feelings of the poet; slowly squeezing and constricting till eventually the poem is suffocated; the poem's soul snuffed out. If a rhyme scheme does not work for your poem, don't use it.

    On the other hand, rhyme schemes can be effective sometimes to heighten the emotion, just like sibilance, assonance, alliteration, tri-colons or any other devices. But therein lies the importance. The rhyme is a device, there to be used. Use it if you want - don't let it use you.

  • Scarlette
    19 years ago

    Nearly half of all the poems I've ever written don't wrhyme, and some of the ones that do end up rhyming are not done on purpose. it has to have some flow, whether it's done with rhyme or with the atmosphere, or the general message. If it flows, in whichever way, it's good.

    19 years ago

    I don't really care if it's long or short, rhyming or not. As long as it speaks for itself and is written well, I quite frankly don't care about rhyme schemes or length.

  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    Poetry can be written in so many different ways, just because most of the poetry on this site rhymes doesn't mean that it is the better way to write, But saying that you don't want to spend hours searching for the right word to rhyme could say that maybe some people just have more commitment to writing. Unrhyming poetry, in my opinion is alot harder to write than rhyming. There has to be a flow to it, and it has to sound smooth without rhyming. Everything is opinion.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Poetry does not have to rhyme - i think alot of readers on this site however can relate to rhyming/modern/teen poetry a bit better though...

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Some of my poetry rhymes and some doesn't. I think that what ever you choose to do is a personal choice that best fits you. You shouldn't say what someone else writes that rhymes doesn't come from their heart, that's kind of silly. Some of my poems rhyme and some don't but they ALL come from my heart. I personally don't care either way as long I can stay interested and it's not ridiculously stupid. Because I will agree on one thing, some people write rhyming poems just for the sake of rhyming and what they end up with doesn't make a lick of sense.

  • Ian Robert
    19 years ago

    Poetry is an art form of wich words are strung together in parts.

    Pericles, Prince of Tyre
    William Shakespear

    20- "With golden fruit, but dangerous to be touched;
    For death-like dragons here affright thee hard.
    Her face, like heaven, enticeth thee to veiw
    Her coutless glory, which desert must gain;

    This is from the most famous writers of all time, does it rhyme? No. Yet the words are meaningfull and do carry value. Thats all poetry is, values, balance, and expression. Words can be strung violently, lovingly, or packed full of any other emotion out there. So if you dont have the talent to beable to rhyme, use your writing skills in other area's, such of symbolism, and making your poetry, big vibtrant storys.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Wow James...i should be taking notes on you for my book;

    "how to speak properly at parites about everything"

  • SweetDreamer
    19 years ago

    it's an iffy subject, because for me personally, i like to rhyme, because sometimes i like the challenge of finding a word that rhymes, but is still in the same subject. i don't know, that's just my preference. but not all of my poems rhyme all the time, and even if there's no rhyming in a poem, doesn't mean it's not beautiful as well, u should just make sure it has a nice flow, cause otherwise it might smack a little more of a letter than a poem.

  • Broken Hearted Immortal
    19 years ago

    not all poetry has to rhyme i know alot of mine dont rhyme at all.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    Either is fine...

    the best non-rhyming poems I've read are ones that when I got through reading it, it FELT like it rhymed (the flow was so good that I didn't notice that it did not rhyme)

    And to write REALLY good rhyming poems (not just one in which all the rhymes match, or the rhyme scheme is perfect) the key is to have rhymes that don't feel forced, but seem like the words HAS to be there for the meaning of the poem and not just because it rhymes.

    no ones poetry should be criticized for the mere fact that it rhymes or doesn't rhyme....

  • Dani Ward
    19 years ago

    it doesnt bother me when poems dont rhyme unless the flow is off, but that can happen in rhyming poems too. i usually do rhyme, but it isnt normally forced, it just comes that way. i do have a few free verse poems though. anyway, thats all i wanted to say.

  • ♥•oOo Nikki oOo•♥©
    19 years ago

    Rhymes Are Basicaly The Essential Part Of The Flowing Of Poems But Most Readers Mis-Intepret This For How Every Poems Supposed To Sound And Rhyming Words Dosen't Make a Poem Good Its The Message And The Heartfelt Things Behind It That Makes Us Say WOW! xoxo-Nikki-xoxo

  • -
    19 years ago

    most of my poetry rhymes, but it doesn't matter as long as it comes from the heart and you get your message across! l8ter! :^)=

  • cant sleep
    19 years ago

    good point. poems dont need to rhyme. if you cant find word to rhyme with orange, then your whole poem is screwed. thats why i dont really bother with it. poems are left undone too many times, by people that think they should rhyme. the poem graveyard, is full of dead and unfinished rhyming poems. dont let your poems go there. -nancy

  • Mandy
    19 years ago

    personally, i like poems that rhyme. Maybe thats because ive never read a good poem without rhythm...someone give me one!!! i just cant follow along without rhythm...