~~Light v Dark number 34~~

  • iris
    15 years ago

    Anyone is welcome to join at any point. just post what team you want to be on and go.

    Everyone confused read this.


    Dark Commando: Arisen
    Dark Knight: Erna
    Dark Elite: Iris
    Dark Defender: Ariel
    Dark Priest: Daveed
    Assassin of Shadows: xXBloodDropXx

    Normal Members:
    Mr. Fr3sh
    A Phine To Sour skittles
    Mr. Darcy


    Master of Light: Shelberina
    Sentinel of Light: Heba
    Archmage of Light: Fading Away
    Wielder of Light: CourtneyyContageous
    Priest of Light: DeathlyAmore
    Guardian of Light: Tia

    Normal Members:
    Gabby (A Fallen Star)
    Lexie (Torn To Pieces)
    Aracely (xXluv iz painXx)
    Jon (HvN)


    Rules of the game - This is the race to 1000 as before.

    Dark - subtract 1
    Light - add 1

    IMPORTANT! Normal members of each team can only add 1 or subtract 1 as usual, but those with positions have a special power that can be used at a certain time. Here they are listed below:


    Dark Commando, Dark Knight: You are far too powerful for just going to 1000/-1000. Your powers will be revealed later in more advanced games - but up to then, every second post adds/subtracts 2.

    Dark Elite: Total Obliteration. Subtracts 250 in one go. Can only be used on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and only past 9.30pm, and can only be used once every two hours. :D

    Dark Defender: Summoning of Night. Cancels out ALL effects by Light (like being slowed down, or double damage or anything) and triples damage of ever FIFTH post. This can be used at any time, but the triple damage effect only works once a day.

    Dark Priest: Unholy Invocation. Subtracts 25 in one go. Can only be used five times in a day.

    Assassin of Shadows: Sphere of Darkness. Slows down Light's progress (every alternate post that Light posts doesn't count, so its twice as difficult for them). Can only be used if the score is below 0.


    Master of Light, Sentinel of Light: Like before, your power is godlike. You don't see it yet. For now, every second post of yours adds/subtracts 2.

    Archmage of Light: Wrath of the Sun. Adds 200 in one go. Can only be used on Mondays and Fridays, and only before 8.30am, and can only be used once every hour.

    Wielder of Light: Orb of Omnipotence. If Dark have triple damage or anything similar, this power removes it AND also adds 10. Can only be used before midday, and the adding 10 only works twice a day.

    Priest of Light: Godlike Inferno. Adds 30 in one go. Can only be used four times a day.

    Guardian of Light: Blazing Comet. Every THIRD post by Light is doubly effective (i.e. adds 2 instead of 1)(can only add 4 after Arisen has posted with his power)

    If anyone uses their special move, state it clearly or put it in asterisks *like this*

    Last number- -985

  • adriaan
    15 years ago


    This topic is almost over.

  • iris
    15 years ago


    yup, and i actually made the post lol

  • adriaan
    15 years ago


    Amazing. I can hear the slugs applauding.


    No, I can't. I'm sorry.

    *in the distance, the squelching of mud and slug-kind can be heard*

    Oh actually I can. :p

  • iris
    15 years ago


    eeeek!!! Its us v's the slugs!!1 I think they're chanting and marching.................

  • adriaan
    15 years ago


    Beware the Army of the Slugs. Equip our troops with Anti-Slug Destructive Atomic Nuclear Explosives....also known as "slug repellant".

  • iris
    15 years ago


    Go slug repellant!!!!!! Grrrr, we will fight you, slugs, grrrrr

  • adriaan
    15 years ago


    We have to destroy them in 10 posts!

    Let's see...Arisen + Iris vs. Slug Army

    Round 1: *squirts slug repellant*

  • iris
    15 years ago


    *round two*
    Slug dies, but angers others, so they eat more of the sunflowers................

  • adriaan
    15 years ago


    There's sunflowers? Oops.

    Round 3: *squirts slug general*

  • iris
    15 years ago


    thats what the slugs are eating, all of my sunflowers......

    round 4 *slug doesn't die, but decides to slither away quickly*

  • adriaan
    15 years ago


    We're halfway through...running out of time...we need to find their weakness!
    Aha, I will burn their hideouts.

    *flames lick at the slugs*

  • iris
    15 years ago


    *slugs manage to slither out of the way from the flames, most learn their lesson*

  • adriaan
    15 years ago


    Hmm. New plan needed.

  • SoUrNameIsTia
    15 years ago


    i just stoped posting on this ...........

  • iris
    15 years ago


    almost there.....

  • veeda
    15 years ago


  • iris
    15 years ago



  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    I don't think we killed the slugs yet. Oh, well.

  • iris
    15 years ago

    Good point....

    i feel a little guilty about killing them, altho they seem pretty intent on killing us......

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    Well, we won the game. Never mind the slugs. I sent them back to Slug Planet.


    Well, now I have.

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    We won? damn I wasn't around to enjoy it. :/

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    That's cos me and Iris finished it off fairly quickly whilst battling the Evil Evil Slugs of the Evil Planet of the Evil Slugs. Not that they were evil or anything.

  • SoUrNameIsTia
    15 years ago



  • Ari
    15 years ago

    Hm.. of course they weren't evil. merely misjudged right? lol. I miss you! turn on your phone so I can text you whilst I should be learning!!!

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    My phone IS on. :)

    OK, everyone has left this game. So let's start a new one. I was thinking of an RPG but the evil slugs have given me an idea too about fighting slugs.

  • iris
    15 years ago

    Okay, sir, whats the new game gonna be, cos i know you've had loads of ideas.... all sound pretty good, so, whats it to be? lol :-)

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    Right, firstly - why did you call me "sir"? - a list of ideas:

    1. Fight the evil slugs!!!!!
    2. Let's play "Annoy Ariel" :p
    3. RPG to defeat some guy who's trying to kill us
    4. RPG for a really good book!!!
    5. Take quizzes!!!!
    6. Shoot zombies!!!!


  • iris
    15 years ago

    Oh, its just like a saying.... lol

    Hmmmm, i quite like the idea of a v's game again, with another turn on it somehow...

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    So nobody's interested in RPGing? Then again nobody is bright enough to know what it stands for despite the fact I told you all? Twice?

    Alright, not slugs though. Let's have...what vs. what?

  • iris
    15 years ago

    Hmmmm, i really don't know,c because light v dark worked at first, but then everyone gave up :-(

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    Well, evil triumphed over good, but it was more like cos evil had more patience :p

    Let's pick some new members and...I dunno. We could play chess.

  • iris
    15 years ago

    You'll have to teach me how to play chess... i have never learnt how to play it, would love to learn tho :-)

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    I think I have won one game of chess in my whole life, and lost about 30.

    OMS. That reminds me of that hilarious Red Dwarf episode...

    Rimmer: "There in the corner, you shall find a chess set with 31 missing pieces."

    Since a chess set has 32 pieces...oh man. I love that program.

  • iris
    15 years ago

    Lol never watched it......

    whats OMS stand for?

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    Think of it as OMG but instead of the G...what could the S be?

  • iris
    15 years ago

    Right.... OMG, yeah, ive got that one.... s...sss.......ssssssssssssssssssssss. Im not really getting an OM...Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. hmmm.

    Any help, adrian? Am i just being REALLY slow or something?? hehe :-)

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    Any swear words beginning with S? Think. But not too much.

    That was an interesting impersonation of a snake you just did. I liked it :p

  • iris
    15 years ago

    Thankyou :-)

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I got it!!!!!!!!!! Hmmm, okay, okay, OMS. It doesn't really make as much sence as the OMG one tho.... but still.... lol

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    I got sick of everyone around me saying OMG all the time so I changed it to OMS.
    Wait, I could have OMF. Or perhaps OMBH. Hehe